Weddings and Thanksgiving for Marriage
Getting married in church is very special. People choose to get married at St John’s for all kinds of reasons; not only is St John’s a beautiful church and the vows very meaningful, but we will also take time to get to know you and your family and take care to plan your service with you. In addition, we will offer you support and space to prepare for the married life you will share. In all of this we will seek God’s blessing for your life together.
Marriage is open to those who live in the parish or who have a qualifying connection to St John’s. If you wish to get married at St John’s, do get in touch with the parish administrator and a member of the clergy will contact you. With our bishop’s permission we can conduct marriages for those who have been married before and with second marriages we will offer particular support and care in preparation for the big day. If you have children, we can make sure they feel included and involved.
We would be delighted to hold a service for you in thanksgiving for your civil wedding or civil partnership, whether you are in a same-sex or different-sex relationship, and will take care to plan the right service for you. Do get in touch and we can talk through your plans.
To find out more about planning a church wedding, including the legal requirements, please visit the Church of England’s weddings website.
If you need to have your banns read at St John’s, please contact our parish administrator.