Music and Choir


St John’s has a strong tradition of choral music that gives voice to our praise and enriches our experience of worship. Our adult and junior choirs sing at the main 10am Sunday service, and at other special times in the church’s calendar. We currently hold Choral Evensong three or four times a year. The music is carefully planned and, at the main service, often involves an introit, anthem, mass setting and psalm or canticle.

We sing services occasionally at Southwark and Rochester Cathedrals and have often been in residence for a weekend in August at Derby Cathedral. Social occasions are arranged from time to time, such as outings, pub lunches and parties.

Our Director of Music, John Webber, has considerable experience in church music, and seeks to nurture both the musical skills and a deeper understanding of the Christian faith of all in the choir. We are fortunate in having a team of assistant organists to support the Choir and the Director of Music.

The Adult Choir sings in harmony and to be a member you need to have at least a basic grasp of the reading of musical notation. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings and before services. New members are very welcome.

The Junior Choir sings on two Sundays of the month and rehearses beforehand and occasionally on a Thursday evening. New members are welcome; the main requirements are good reading skills and reliability of attendance. Get in touch to find out more.

The church organ dates from 1985 and has been at St John’s since 2011, having been generously given to the church on a permanent loan by Trinity Laban Conservatoire (formerly Trinity College of Music). The organ has three manuals and there is a considerable variety of sounds available.

For organ enthusiasts you can see more information about our organ at the National Pipe Organ Register.

See the current music list here