Children and Young People


Children and Young People are valued members of our community at St John’s. We really hope that they will grow up with positive memories of church, learning the story of God’s love for them and for each person.

During our services, we have a special children’s corner for little ones at church, with quiet toys, books and colouring, and all children are welcome to come forward during communion for a special prayer of blessing. We don’t worry too much about noise, but parents and carers can always take a wriggly child out into the foyer if they need a bit of space. Older children can join our junior choir, or join our team of altar servers.

We love to welcome children and their families for Christening, see our Christening page for more information.

For children over seven, parents can choose for their child to be prepared to receive Holy Communion, we usually hold fun preparation sessions once a year, please speak to one of the clergy team if you would like to find out more. Secondary age children are welcome to be prepared for confirmation, and make their own, informed faith commitment.

Once a month we hold a special service called Messy Church, you can find more information and dates of our services here. You can read about the Messy Church approach here.

If you have questions or suggestion, do get in touch! We always want to grow and improve, so that all people are fully welcome, included and affirmed.