Goose Green Coffee Morning
Goose Green Coffee Morning meets every Wednesday. We are open from 11:00am until 12:30pm. You can stay for the whole session or just pop in for a short visit. All are welcome to drop into coffee morning to meet others from the community and enjoy friendly conversation. We offer coffee, tea and cake and an opportunity to have a chat.
We have occasional visiting guest speakers who give a talk for part of the morning. We also sometimes have creative sessions and enjoy some musical fun with ‘The Singing Geese’. You can find out what is happening each week by signing up for our regular emails.
We meet inside church. Entry is through the Goose Green Centre. We continue to be mindful of covid-19 and adopt whatever measures might be necessary. We have the heating on in cold weather but do advise wearing warm clothing.
If you would like details about Goose Green Coffee Morning please email or you can telephone Sue on 07961 580920.
Goose Green Coffee Morning also runs a weekly exercise group for older people who are starting to experience unsteadiness or losing confidence in their ability to stay balanced. The Strong and Steady Exercise Group takes you through a set of exercises that research has shown improves muscle strength and balance. A GP assessment is required plus an assessment by the instructor before you can join the group. There will be a weekly charge of £4. If you would like more information about the group please read the document here which explains much more about the group, including the application process. You can download a printable version of the application form here.
For an electronic version you can email to your GP please click here.