The Meeting of Parishioners and APCM has been postponed and will now be held online via Zoom at midday on Sunday 16 May. The Electoral Roll is available to view in church. Please notify the Parish Administrator of any errors or omissions.

Goose Green Coffee Morning. On Wednesday 5 May we have our next Film Group where we will be discussing the film Yellow Canary, a wartime espionage thriller. You can watch the film on BBC iPlayer where it is available up to our film group date.

Daily Bread. If you are growing wheat, please let us know how it’s getting on. You can send photos to Sue O’Neill.

In Memory of The Revd Deepthi Wickremasinghe. Would you consider making a gift to the Woodland Trust?  St John’s would be able to dedicate trees, or a particular piece of woodland, in memory of Deepthi Wickremasinghe. You can either give online via the memorial fund or you can send a cheque to Sarah Goudge (PCC Treasurer), made payable to St John’s East Dulwich PCC, marking it on the back ‘Woodland Trust Deepthi 2020’.