Jun 20, 2021 | Notice Sheets
The Collect Almighty God, you have broken the tyranny of sin and have sent the Spirit of your Son into our hearts whereby we call you Father: give us grace to dedicate our freedom to your service, that we and all creation may be brought to the glorious liberty of the...
Jun 11, 2021 | Notice Sheets
Messy Church! As a church we are in contact with nearly 50 families with young children. Due to Covid-19, we have had to curtail our activities with families, including Diddy Disciples and Toddler Church, and with restricted numbers on Sundays many families have not...
Jun 4, 2021 | Notice Sheets
Thursday lunchtime Mass will resume at midday this Thursday, 10 June. Following the service we will gather at the Calvary Garden for the interment of ashes of the late David Lemm. You are welcome to join us for the Mass and Interment Service. Messy Church! As a church...