Weekly Notices – Trinity 13 – 29 August 2021

The flowers in the Sanctuary are given by Rachel Mills to the glory of God and in celebration of Andrew Whitaker’s 86th birthday. COVID-19 measures at St John’s. We are continuing with our Covid prevention measures at St John’s. This means that we will recommend and...

Weekly Notices – Trinity 12 – 22 August 2021

COVID-19 measures at St John’s. We are continuing with our Covid prevention measures at St John’s. This means that we will recommend and expect people to wear a face-covering, use hand sanitiser and maintain social distancing. We are the body of Christ, and we are...

Weekly Notices – Trinity 11 – 15 August 2021

Today we welcome Dr. Harry Bramma as our organist at the 10am Sung Mass.  Harry was one time Director of Music at Southwark Cathedral. COVID-19 measures at St John’s. We are continuing with our Covid prevention measures at St John’s. This means that we will recommend...

Weekly Notices – Trinity 10 – 8 August 2021

Today we welcome Dr. Harry Bramma as our organist at the 10am Sung Mass.  Harry was one time Director of Music at Southwark Cathedral. COVID-19 measures at St John’s. We are continuing with our Covid prevention measures at St John’s. This means that we will recommend...